Reasons To Still Take Out a Loan Despite Having a Credit Card

Credit cards are the primary means of spending for consumers. Credit cards, however, cannot be used or aren’t the best choice for any and every purchase. This is where loans come in. Whether it’s affordability or the more defined payment structure, loans have certain advantages, so it makes sense to take one out from a toa payoh money lender even if you already have a credit card. 

Lower Interest Rates 

A loan’s lower interest makes an immense difference when it comes to what you’ll end up paying back in total. If you’re looking for, say $10,000 for some home renovations, taking out a credit card with a 20% interest will be incredibly costly, whereas you can opt for a personal loan that has a much lower interest rate. You could easily save hundreds or even thousands on the interest alone. It’s also why loans are considered such a good deal for bigger planned expenditures.

Fixed Repayment Terms Provide Certainty

Another advantage of loans is their repayment structure, where you do monthly repayments within a fixed period. This predictability can help you in planning for repayment since you will know precisely what you will need to pay and when the loan is going to be fully paid.

Conversely, credit cards, which are revolving credit, allow you to borrow up to your limit while only paying the minimum. But if you don’t pay in full or worse, only pay the minimum, you end up paying more interest. If you feel like you won’t be able to handle such a setup, you’re better off taking out a loan. 

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Higher borrowing limits

Loans provide more money than credit cards for big expenses. While credit cards are always opened with low amounts to cover every day and other routine purchases, loans help finance much larger expenses like renovating a house, paying hospital bills, or paying off debt in consolidation. 

Better Credit Profile

By taking a loan and managing it properly, one’s credit score improves. Credit mix is the second factor determining the credit score. It refers to the kind of credit you hold. It may be in the form of credit cards, auto loans, or personal loans. The diversified credit profile implies the maturity of the borrower in financial matters and good credit management.

A regularly paid loan is a good sign in your credit history, as it indicates that you are capable of running different kinds of credit, which would later strengthen your credit score over a period. Your enhanced credit score then qualifies you for better terms on loans and lower interest charges on mortgages or car loans.


Purpose-Specific Loans 

Purpose-specific loans, like home mortgage loans or student loans, allow you to afford big purchases without much trouble, as they have a relatively low rate of interest. These loans are generally more practical when there are large, planned expenses because it is usually available with more favorable terms and greater flexibility than using a credit card.

Credit Available for Emergencies

Loans can be a huge help in emergency events, such as medical emergencies, car repairs, or other urgent needs. This is especially helpful when there is financial uncertainty because having access to credit is reassuring.

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Having a credit card ready to spend money in your account when you need it keeps you way far from financial stress and helps you prepare for any emergency expenses. 


Both loans and credit cards have their advantages, and knowing when to use one or the other makes all the difference in your finances. For small, one-time or short-term expenses, credit cards are flexible and convenient. For larger, planned expenses, loans provide lower interest rates and structured, lighter repayment terms. Consider which tool fits a particular financial need and goal so you can wisely decide which tool to use for it. 

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