Spider veins, also known as telangiectasia, are tiny web-patterned blood vessels that appear on body areas like the face and legs. As this condition progresses, the small blood vessels begin to swell and become more visible because of the dark red or purple shades. Telangiectasia may be harmless at the onset, but you need to seek treatment immediately after noticing symptoms like aching and night cramps. Here is more information on why a vein clinic needs to treat spider veins:
Treating Spider Veins
While spider veins are not life-threatening, they signify the inability of the blood to flow efficiently back to the heart. Visiting a vein clinic allows the specialist to correct venous inefficiency early before it results in swelling due to fluid buildup in the vessels. When a vascular specialist treats this condition, you avoid discomfort that results from itchiness and heaviness in the legs. Going to a vascular care specialist for telangiectasia treatment can also help minimize the risks of complications like varicose veins.
Vascular veins are larger and more bulged, which causes more serious symptoms like persistent aching in affected body areas. By going for vascular treatments, you prevent further problems like skin color changes, which result from darkened veins. You also prevent unexpected bleeding because varicose veins can burst when swollen. Having telangiectasia treated before it becomes varicose veins helps prevent the risks of blood clots from forming in the veins. This minimizes more severe problems like a pulmonary embolism, which can cause life-threatening conditions like stroke, lung failure, or cardiac arrest.
Physical Exams for Spider Veins
When you visit a vascular specialist, they first take you through a physical exam to determine the condition’s severity. After the examination, your doctor can tailor your treatment depending on factors like factors like symptoms, the level of swelling, your skin type, and underlying vein problems. A vascular specialist can conduct a general visual inspection to check your veins’ patterns, appearance, and skin color.
Vein care clinics also conduct ultrasounds to help check the structure of the venous walls and how the blood flows. Doppler and venous duplex ultrasound scans are the options a vascular specialist uses to check the severity of spider veins. Other physical exams that help vascular doctors determine the right treatments for telangiectasia include palpation, vein mapping, and functional assessment.
Treatments for Spider Veins
Vascular specialists conduct sclerotherapy, as it is among the suitable options for treating severe spider veins. This treatment involves injecting a medical solution known as a sclerosant into the thread veins. The sclerosant causes the walls of the affected blood vessels to shrink over time, after which the vein seals shut. When this happens, the blood that used to flow through the spider veins redirects to other healthy blood vessels. Visiting a vein care clinic also allows you to undergo laser therapy, which works similarly to sclerotherapy. The difference between the two is that laser therapy uses thermal energy or radio waves to seal shut the veins.
Visit a Vein Clinic Today
Spider veins become a health concern when they continue to progress, making it necessary to seek treatment as early as possible. You’ll know that telangiectasia has progressed when you experience problems like leg pain, itching, and swelling. When you visit a vein clinic, you get quality treatments and health education to help prevent telangiectasia. Book an appointment with a professional vein clinic today for quality diagnosis and treatment.